
Is it better to walk by faith rather than anticipating what comes next? I can throughly feel that there is something that you are doing behind my back but I stepped back. I cling to my faith that whatever it is it will be revealed at the right time. It is better that you don’tContinue reading “Unknowing”

Tippin down the edge of a Mountain Cliff.

I have climbed the mountain. It was rocky at first but as the days goes by. I began to cope up and accept the fact that there is no turning back. I have dreamt of climbing this mountain and reaching the cliff for so many decades. And here am I seeing my dreams turn intoContinue reading “Tippin down the edge of a Mountain Cliff.”

Unmasking the Waves of Deception.

As the day passed by. True colors are unfolding gradually. Accepting the differences and choose love over mediocrity. It is better to be hurt for a while rather than accepting those lies on your face. But I respect and proud how you cope up with the adversities of life. Ain’t easy but you wore thatContinue reading “Unmasking the Waves of Deception.”

Fall In Love with the Real Thing.

Yasmin Mogahed striked my heart and soul when I read her book back in 2019 entitled “Reclaim your Heart” Its been 2 years Yasmin and I thanked you for sharing your personal insights on breaking free from life shackles. I woke up this morning with an uneasy heart. There are times in our life thatContinue reading “Fall In Love with the Real Thing.”

I have the “Balcony Seat”

By: Nicole I just stand there. Observing and trying to understand what I am seeing. Looking on all the cues that referring to something. I maybe ignoring the things that you are doing. But I won’t speak and I will let you to continue the show. The view from the balcony is the best. ItContinue reading “I have the “Balcony Seat””

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