Corrected by :

To change is the most hardest part but ain’t impossible. Being a fixed sign and getting used to routine and certainties was my comfort zone. Growth means going out of your comfort zone and let yourself be like a sponge. Do not let your ego eats you alive. Let your mediocrity helped you to learnContinue reading “Corrected by :”

I have the “Balcony Seat”

By: Nicole I just stand there. Observing and trying to understand what I am seeing. Looking on all the cues that referring to something. I maybe ignoring the things that you are doing. But I won’t speak and I will let you to continue the show. The view from the balcony is the best. ItContinue reading “I have the “Balcony Seat””

5 life lessons that I have learned the hard way.

1. Everything in this world will vanished but not God. Have you invested your life with a person, hobby, career or things? Have you asked yourself if those things are permanent? When I was in my 20’s I had a problem juggling my relationship with God, career, family, hobbies, boyfriend and my health because IContinue reading “5 life lessons that I have learned the hard way.”

Frustrations over Living the Moment.

I am certainly an overthinker. I will not argue about that but what I have learned from life is to enjoy the moment when you are miserable and do not know when will it end. The moment you tell yourself that “Nothing in this world is permanent, nor your frustrations.” will make your perspective inContinue reading “Frustrations over Living the Moment.”

Cupids Strike

by James and Nicole Totoo ka ba? O niloloko lang ako ni Cupido.Baka naman kasi joke time lang perpekto pero imperpekto para sayo. Hoy! CupidoPwede ba wag mo akong paglaruan.Naghahanap lang naman ako ng pwede kong mahalin at pangako ko sayo hindi ko siya pag lalaruan. Hey! CupidCan you please aim the right personContinue reading “Cupids Strike”

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