
You are worth more than potential. You are worth more than second place. You are worth more than ‘maybe someday’ and promises you know deep down will always be broken. Because love isn’t about what you hope will happen or what you wish could change; love is present tense. It’s about what’s right here inContinue reading “Breathe”

Thank you for reminding me.

Hi October 2nd Yesterday morning someone just messaged me and told me this. I just want to tell all the mothers out there who are sacrificing everything to give their children the best world and considering the world isn’t perfect. We don’t have to be overly critical and push ourselves to our limits. Most especiallyContinue reading “Thank you for reminding me.”

Break free and find joy from within.

Several days ago, I was questioning myself about my worth and I began to felt so down. I started to hold my pen and paper and write what I feeel. It unleashed the emotions that are embedded deep within. Who would have thought that keeping a journal will make your life grounded and prolly sane.Continue reading “Break free and find joy from within.”

Decision that will make or break you.

I chose love over doubt. I chose to trust rather than to mistrust. There are moments I knew there is something hidden but I chose not to nag. When someone started to cheat on you. Do not let your guards down. Confronting the cheater will never be a good idea. Remind yourself how lucky youContinue reading “Decision that will make or break you.”

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